
A promise is a promise, even if it's drunk.

So, it's been awhile. I've been busy.

I was up really late last night because I just couldn't get to sleep. While sitting on my couch reading The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World by Michael Pollan and listening to my neighbors have one of the longest, loudest screaming matches I've heard outside of my family, I considered dusting off the ol' work in progress. But last night was not the time. It would have just been a long rant about how I hate liars, cheats, and (most of all) people who refuse to accept their personal responsibilities. I don't really want to do that here, not for my first entry back in the saddle.

Instead, I have pictures of my yard. Most of these beauts can be attributed to the hard work of my chicken, since I can't get within 10 feet of poison ivy without feeling itchy for weeks (I think this is going on week 4).

This guy just popped up today. It made me smile.This little lady was hiding underneath all its leafy friends. Trickster.Samson. Wasn't sure he survived the winter, but I think his hair is coming in quite nice. DelilahPig the Protector (Retired, although I wish he had told us he retired before July 29, 2009. It would have been nice to know.)

Our bamboo is sneaking up! Saturday, the straight guy in the front was about an inch tall!
I haven't named it though.

We have a lot of other goodies in the house, but that'll be for another post.

Welcome back me!